Sunday, May 30, 2010

the big world!

Today they ran from their bedroom pen, which Teensy, who I think will be Dyna for Dyna Mite or Hare O Dynamic, climbed out of; they went thro the big world of the kitchen to their pen in the living room. Very interesting! Quite a challenge getting there with mom and sis rooting them along and Spicy thought they might like to play! Breaker headed for high ground. They swarmed the old cat so he decided going out was a really good idea.It was great to see them motoring along, they all reach, they are bold and adventurous, up, under and around everything. Most are pretty long pups too, small but pretty correct. Spots has big ears, gotta be one! They really know how to wag their tails too. It is funny how much more I notice happening on a day to day basis with these guys.

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